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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  November 19, 2023 4:00am-5:01am PST

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the field. travis a team leader, one of the best quarterbacks in the country, helping lead the knowles to a perfect 11-0 this season. the number five washington huskies pull off another nail-biter. this time at number 11 oregon state. michael penix bowl terring his heisman resumé with three touchdowns in a # 22-20 win. next up, the apple cup rivalry game with washington state then, the pac-12 championship game in two weeks. finally, cutest thing all day. byu receiver gunther creating memories on senior day. players typically have their parent with them. but he runs out with his 3-year-old son before facing oklahoma. he and his wife have two tsons and they used to have to work full time early on in their college career to put themselves through school and there he was
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celebrating, great moment on the last day on that field. >> that little boy kept up. i was going to say, still running. >> yeah. cutest thing of the day. thank you, coy. next hour of "cnn this morning" starts right now. good morning. welcome to "cnn this morning." it is sunday, november 19th. i'm amara walker. >> so good to be with you. i'm victor blackwell. here's what we are watching for you. president biden rejects calls for a ceasefire in gaza again. plus, what israel's prime minister is saying about hostages still being held by hamas. republican presidential candidates are in iowa and on attack. what they are saying about president biden and each other. the most powerful rocket ever built lifted off from texas, then exploded. some are still calling the launch a success. we'll tell you why. and if you are traveling up it's shaping up to be a wet week ahead with several systems that
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could slow you down across the country. we have your holiday forecast. starting this morning with the reports out of gaza where there was an explosion at a u.n.-run school. we have to warn you that the video we are about to show is graphic. >> the video shows dozens of bodies, including women and children. the school was being used as a shelter. one u.n. official called the carnage horrifying. a u.n. agency confirmed the school was hit saturday, but not didn't have further details. president joe biden is once again rejecting calls for a ceasefire in gaza. he says that would give hamas an opportunity to regroup and rebuild their stockpile of weapons. cnn's jeremy diamond is live from tel aviv. hi there, jeremy. what's the latest on the ground? >> reporter: well, as you said, dozens appear to have been killed in a strike on a u.n. school in jabalia refugee camp in gaza. the scenes are absolutely
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devastating. we can see dozens of bodies in just one of these rooms. you can see a dozen bodies on the floor covered in dust and desks are smashed. there is a huge hole in the wall. it is not clear exactly at this point according to the united nations what -- who was responsible for this strike. egypt and qatar as well as other countries have already blamed israel for this. but the idf saws they are aware of this incident. they say it is under review. but they have no further comment on whether or not they were responsible for this strike. but what is clear is that dozens of people are dead, including many women and children among them. meanwhile, at al shifa hospital yesterday u.n. workers visited that hospital and described its a death zone. they said patients and staff at the hospital were afraid for their lives, were requesting evacuation. today we have a little bit of good news amid all the devastation. that is that those 31 premature
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babies at al shifa hospital were successfully evacuated to the southern part of the gaza strip. they were evacuated in ambulances, organized by the palestine red crescent society as well as the world health organization participating in that effort and they were successfully evacuated and they are expected to be taken into egypt next via of rafah crossing. meanwhile, israel is continuing its military operations in the northern part of the gaza strip. we know that they are conducting clearing operations in a number of areas, including in gaza city, trying to get rid of hamas infrastructure, including those underground tunnels and they are still engaging in fire fights with hamas militants in gaza city and around that area as well. meanwhile, those hostage families are still waiting to see if there is going to be a deal to free dozens of women and children potentially in exchange for a multiday ceasefire. tens of thousands of people rallied last night in jerusalem and in tel aviv to not only plead for the release of their
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family members, but also to urge the israeli government to reach a deal, to agree to a deal for a ceasefire in exchange for dozens of these hostages to be released. the israeli prime minister amid all of that pressure from those families agreeing to meet with them. he will meet with them tomorrow. meantime, he says that there is no deal as of yet amid reports that there is a tentative agreement that is moving forward in these negotiations between israel and hamas mediated by qatar. >> jeremy diamond in tel aviv. now to priscilla alvarez in delaware. the president under intense pressure to support a ceasefire, but again in this new op-ed in t"the washington post" he says no? >> reporter: and that has been the position from the president and his administration. they have rejected calls for a ceasefire despite that mounting pressure. in this op-ed the president argues a ceasefire could be exploited by hamas.
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instead, the president and the administration have been pushing for humanitarians which would allow for the release hostages held by hamas as well as more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. but the president touches on two other points in this op-ed. that includes, for example, a warning against extremists who are attacking civilians in the west bank saying that the u.s. is prepared to issue visa bans. this is all an area of concern for the administration. and also the president taking a moment to call again for a two-state solution. this has been an idea that the president has long endorsed and says is the solution for the israel/hamas conflict. and in it he says the following. quote, a two-state solution, two peoples living side by side with equal measures of freedom, opportunity and dignity is where the road to peace must lead. reaching it will take economyments from israelis and palestinians as well as the united states and our allies and partners. now the president goes on to say
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that israel should follow humanitarian law and protect innocent civilians but zooming out here the president acknowledging both the israel conflict and conflict in ukraine, noting these conflicts while they are unfolding abroad affect u.s. national security and are significant and the u.s. support for these conflicts is important. and it is important, too, to not creed any ground to russian president vladimir putin as well as to hamas. now, the president and the admission have a supplemental request to congress for billions more in funding to support both of these conflicts. that funding is currently stalled. so the president taking a moment in this op-ed to remind americans why it matters now at what the administration sees as an inflection point. victor and amara. >> priscilla alvarez, thank you very much. the president's push for pauses over a ceasefire is drawing criticism from many. that includes some from within the jewish community. rabbi jessica rosenberg made
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headlines when she confronted the president this month at a campaign fundraiser in minnesota. here she is. >> mr. president, do you care about jewish people? as a rabbi, i need you could call for a ceasefire right now. >> president biden did calmly respond, saying, i think we need a pause, a pause means give time to get the prisoners out. rabbi jessica rosenberg is with us now from minnesota. rabbi, thank you so much for your time. as you know, the president hasn't budged from his position for anything beyond a pause, and president biden wrote in part in "the washington post" this. as long as hamas clings to its ideology of destruction, a ceasefire is not peace to hamas members every ceasefire is time they exploit to rebuild their stockpile of rockets, reposition fighters and restart the killing
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by attacking innocents again. what would you say to the president now? >> thank you so much for having me. i called for a ceasefire and i continue to call for a ceasefire because we cannot bomb our way to peace. we need a political solution, not a military solution. palestinians are fighting for equal rights in the land and as someone who learned from jewish tradition that all life is sacred, that is what i'm fighting for as well and that's why i'm calling for a ceasefire. i'm curious to know the reaction from your synagogue, the jewish community in general. i know you said that you were worried by confronting the president you would be alienated from the jewish community. what has been the feedback? >> i have been incredibly heartened by so much support and care and love, and that includes many, many people who agree with me. many, many people who felt more empowered to take action after
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seeing my actions, and also folks who, while have actually a lot of questions about ceasefire and don't understand, which is what some of what i hear reflected in president biden's op-ed. this idea that a ceasefire will enable hamas. a ceasefire is -- means all israel and hamas stop the violence, that israeli hostages come home and palestinian prisoners get to come home, and that we have the space to actually negotiate a just peace that values the safety and freedom of all. so i have actually since that event been able to have a lot of conversations with people to get to a better understanding of what ceasefire means. >> and as you know, rabbi, there are many in the jewish community dealing with the trauma of the massacre and of course the hostages who have yet to return home. they are also living with antisemitic attacks. you have dealt with that as
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well. we are seeing that disturbingly across the world. while you are calling for peace, what do you say to people in the jewish community who are still dealing with all this pain? >> well, first of all, we get to grieve. we take all of the space and time we need to feel the extreme grief and rage of the violence on october 7th, and to acknowledge all of what comes up when this happens, which is centuries of antisemitism. and killing palestinians does not honor or bring back any of the lives of israelis who were lost on the 7th. and i want to say i know there are many non-jews who believe that supporting israel in this war is how to stand in solidarity with jews, or even make repair the atrocities of the holocaust. you want to say ending be antisemitism in all the places
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that jews live everywhere, that how you stand in solidarity with jews. antisemitism is real and still very present, primarily in our country from white nationalists and christian nationalists. and for folks who want to support jews and antisemitism, that is where we must look. >> i'm curious how would you have liked to -- how would you have expected or hoped israel to respond on october 7th and beyond? >> we need space and time to grieve the lives lost and we need to work for equality in israel/palestine. gaza has been behind a blockade for over 16 years where there are really -- you know, referred to as the largest open air prison in the world, and the conditions in gaza are so bleak
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and dire. we're also seeing the non-violent boycott divestment in sanctions movement, which calls for equality. that's being outlawed in my home state of minnesota. it is illegal to support boycotts. these are things that we can do. we need to make it possible for israelis and palestinians to negotiate, and the u.s. has a huge role to play in that. over $3 billion in military funding of u.s. tax dollars goes to israel every year. that is money that could be spent on our schools and our hospitals. instead, it's being used to bomb palestinian schools and palestinian hospitals. so that is some of what we need, is an end to the overwhelming enabling of israel's violence now. >> you mentioned some of the very complex historical and political contexts to what's been happening for decades and
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around israel, but hamas has and continues to be an existential threat to israel. if your calls for a ceasefire are answered, would you be concerned that could potentially put more jewish lives at risk? >> i'm concerned for jewish lives and palestinian lives and all lives, and looking towards what is the future we're visioning. it needs to begin with an end to occupation and equal rights for all people in this land. and until we have that, if hamas is eradicated, a different group will emerge. when people are living without basic rights, that is the fundamental threat to safety in the regional. >> we appreciate your voice and your perspective. rabbi jessica rosenberg, thank you. the war is turning up hate across this country, including at some schools. now the education department is investigating allegations of antisemitism and islamophobia at seven schools.
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here is cnn's rene marsh. >> this is significant because these are the first campus hate investigations since the october 7th hamas attack on israel. it's also quite significant to have so many campus hate investigations happening simultaneously. really speaks to the unprecedented level of hate boiling over at u.s. schools. now, the seven schools being investigated include universities like cornell, columbia, the university of pennsylvania and one k through 12 school in kansas. these investigation stem from complaints filed by students and advocacy groups. five were antisemitic incidents and two islamophobia incidents that allegedly happened on campuses. and as the agency is working to stem rising texts at schools, here is the education secretary's message to parents. >> your child should be unapologetic about who they are,
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expressing who they are. they shouldn't have to hide their identity to earn lp on campus or in a k-12 indiscussion and that is our responsibility to protect them. if we see that there are places that are not doing it, we are going to open up an investigation and we are going to provide support, but we are going to open up an investigation to make shoork that we are doing our job as educators. >> cardonis says he has never seen this intensity of hate on school campuses and he anticipates that the agency will launch even more investigations. the agency will make recommendations for fixes at these schools, and if they do not comply, they do risk losing their federal funding. cnn reached out to all of the schools under investigation. most responded wsaying that the will cooperate with the investigation. >> thank you. coming up, former president trump had some strong words for his successor on the campaign trail over the weekend. as millions of americans get ready to travel for
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thanksgiving, new numbers suggest this could be the busiest travel season in years.
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top republican candidates converged in iowa this weekend with only eight weeks left until the iowa caucuses on january 15th. even though he is leading by a wide margin in the polls, former president donald trump totals supporters saturday not to be complacent and get out and vote. he also gave harshest attacks on president joe biden calling biden a, quote, stupid person and attacked his mental fitness, suggesting without any evidence that biden is on medication. >> governor ron desantis is pursuing an all-out strategy in iowa. he hopes to win in the state to build momentum to carry him through the other primaries. desantis' attacks on trump are becoming harsh, calling the
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former president a lame duck and saying his candidacy for president is high risk are low reward. mayor adams daysing a wide ranging corruption investigation around his 2021 campaign. >> the fbi it's focusing on campaign money, political favors and possible foreign influence in its probe and to adams and his circle. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: good morning. the adams campaign upfront about why they are establishing this legal defense fund. in an affidavit signed by eric adams and obtained by cnn they right that the legal defense trust is, quote, necessitated by and intended to defray legal expenses in connection with inquiries related to the operations of the adams 2021 mayoral campaign committee. we should note that according to city regulations any new york city employee is allowed to essentially fund raise to cover
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any legal bills. however, they do have to adhere to some very strict regulations and restrictions. i want to show you a few of what those are. for example, donations, individual donations cannot exceed $5,000. all of those legal expenses have to be disclosed. adams also cannot solicit any money from any subordinates or anyone doing business with the city. also, they cannot accept any money from corporations or companies. so these are really just a few of those regulations that dictate who can donate and exactly how much and perhaps even when. meanwhile, adams himself continues to maintain that he has not been accused of any wrongdoing, though he retained that private attorney as this investigation presses forward. >> thank you. iceland has declared a state of emergency as they monitor a volcano rumbling under their southern peninsula. >> grindavik had to be evacuated after it was rattled by more than 1,000 earthquakes over the past week. the video you're seeing here
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shows a damaged road, steam there leaking out from underground. cnn's fred pleitgen has more. >> reporter: good morning, victor and amara. the authorities here in iceland say they believe a massive eruption could very well be imminent in the south of iceland. as you can see behind me, there is a checkpoint there because that area is completely cordoned off. the main sort of focal point that the authorities are concentrate on now is grindavik. we have seen the footage from that town, streets that are already cracked, steam coming out of those cracks as it seems as though the magma in that area is trying to make its way to the top and burst through the earth's crust. again, the scientists on the ground are saying they believe that is something that could happen in the very near future. i want to show you around just a little bit because you can see right behind me there is a sign here that says grindavik, and that is crossed out. that's ten kilometers away. i'd say 6 1/2 miles.
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of course, the world famous blue lagoon as well closed off. if we look in the distance, you can see a mountain back there with steam coming up next to it. that is a geothermal power plant. the authorities here are also very fearing that they believe that that power plant could be in danger as wall from lava flows. they are trying to build a trench system to redirect the lava if and when the eruption does happen. again, the authorities say right now big emergency situation on the ground. the town of grindavik has been evacuated. there are some people would can go back for a short period of time and pick things up. the authorities also say that may stop if the situation continues the way it has been. guys. >> thank you, fred. all right. holiday time now. there are new numbers showing that a lot of people are not planning to get an updated covid vaccccine. we'l'll discuss s the implicica.
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how attitudes the virus have dramatically shifted. >> people aren't worried getting covid which means they are not as worried about preventing it either. half of adults said they were not planning on getting the new vaccine that became available in september. jacquelyn howard has more. >> this lack of concern that's out there around covid-19 is pro probably one of the reasons we haven't seen much uptake of the latest covid-19 vaccine. in this new kff survey it found that 1 in 5 adults, 20% reported that they have gotten vaccinated with the latest covid-19 shot. 13% said they definitely will. 15% said they probably will get vaccinated. the survey also found that 17% said they probably won't, and 34% said they definitely won't. so there is this shift in public opinions around covid-19 compared with just a few years ago when there was a lot of concern and there was a lot of
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urgency to get vaccinated. now, where we are right now with covid-19, earlier this month there were around 14,700 people hospitalized with covid. a in comparison around this same time last year, there were more than 23,000 people hospitalized. so it is good news we aren't at the high numbers that we saw last year, but i will say last year the week after thanksgiving we did see a significant rise in covid hospitalizations. so that will be something to look out for as we get closer to the thanksgiving holiday and especially, victor and amara, as we get closer to the winter holidays. >> all right. thank you very much. i want to bring in dr. jane morgan, a cardiologist, a former executive director of the covid task force at piedmont. three quarters of americans do not fear getting covid this holiday season.
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are there reasons to be less afraid this year than in previous years? >> you know, when we've seen is a general ambivalence as we've moved into this season. we were hoping this would be more of a transitional season, actually get out of covid. because of ambivalence, because of a confusing messaging and there is a polarization politically as well as kind of a been there, done that attitude, that we really don't see the uptake that we would like to have seen. we are at maybe at about 14% of people have gotten this updated vaccine to date. but make no mistake. we never were adding great robust response. at our peak, at our peak variants, we were under 70% nationwide of people who had received both vaccines. i know you have higher numbers with regard to people who are vaccinated, but those are people who received one dose of the
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original two-dose series. now i'm talking about people who completed the series and got two doses. >> so the people who say that these three quarters of americans who say they are not afraid of getting it, maybe, and they don't have a follow-up here, but i've got the vaccine. i know that the vaccine will keep me out of a hospital and the isn't the fear of death, is that sensible now that they say maybe i have had covid? it's not as bad as i thought it would have been in 2020 or 2021? one thing we know is that the issue with covid as opposed to other viruses like measles and mumps is that as spreads from person it to person, it mutates. so we are not able to get that herd immunity. we had an opportunity early on in the pandemic to reach herd immunity. we couldn't get enough people vaccinated within that timeframe to reach that. the other concern the spillover effect that we see in our children with regard to vaxxing
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uptake of all of our vaccines. for the first time since we have been tracking this with the cdc, we see that children have filed more than a 3% exemption out of getting these vaccines, and we need to have at least 95% of the population vaccinated to continue to have herd immunity. even more alarming, there are ten states in the united states that have greater than that 5%. so already are outside of what we deem to be safe for herd immunity for measles. there are 40 states that all have an increase. so you can see what this spillover effect from covid over to vaccinations in general and parents' attitudes towards them. >> make no mistake, as the survey found, more than half of respondents would said they probably or definitely would not get the updated shot has a public health impact for the rest of us. that's how we got delta,
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omicron, and the mutations after that. et let's talk about the flu and we're seeing an uptick in activity. there is a high activity in -- i looked at the map this morning. louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, south carolina. the highest across the country. 4% increase week to week. more than getting a flu shot, what, as we get back into airports and family gathering, should we do, if anything? >> so let's talk about masks for a moment. masks, you know, maybe have gotten a bad rap. but something to think about mask, whether you are a pro mask or anti-mask. masks have definitely been hone to reduce respiratory viruses. we are human beings. we live by breathing in oxygen. masks are a barrier. the other thing to think about these cold weather viruses like the flu is that masks keep the temperature of your nose elevated enough such that the receptacles in your nose can
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work and grab the viruss and bacteria that come in. it reduces your risk of infection. every 9 degree fahrenheit that your nose drops in temperature, you kill off these vesicles that are there to sequester viruses and remove bacteria as it moves into your nose. and so a mask actually keeps the temperature up as well. decreases your risk of getting ill. >> i don't know if y'all saw the light bulb over my head when you say that. but the idea that there is more blood and it's warmer than my nose can do its job. for years when people say i got a cold because the temperature dropped, i am like you don't get a cold from the temperature. if your nose is colder, the vesicles, as they are, can't filter out what's coming in. >> grandma was always right. >> always right. >> dr. jane morgan, thank you. >> you're welcome. mama was right, too. still ahead, a spacex rocket explodes just minutes after launch again.
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so what happened and why are they calling it a success?
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spacex's second starship mega rocket exploded after launching yesterday just as it is during the first launch back in april. the mission for the uncrewed spacecraft came after months of rebuilding. >> cnn's kristin fisher looks at what happened and how spacex says they will learned what they used for future missions. >> reporter: good morning, victor and amara. spacex engineers will spend the
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next several days and weeks pouring over this data and trying to figure out what exactly went wrong. it's important to note that this is what spacex likes to do. they like to push their rockets and spacecraft all the way to the point of failure. this is what they did on all of their previous successful rockets and spacecraft. now they are trying do it with starship. the biggest rocket, most powerful rocket that's ever flown. the goal is to put 100 people on top of this rocket, send them to mars, and then colonize the red planet. that's the ultimate goal. first, they have to safely get this thing in orbit. the test flight that we saw yesterday with was a success in that all 33 of the engines ignited. the launchpad didn't sustain any damage. there was a successful stage separation between the booster and the spacecraft. and it made it all the way up to the very edge of space, flying much farther than that first failed test flight back in
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april. but then something happened, and that's why yesterday's test flight was also a failure. there were two big explosions. the booster and the spacecraft both exploded, and if this had all gone perfectly according the flight plan, the spacecraft was supposed to complete almost one full lap of planet earth before splashing down in the pacific ocean. that clearly did not happen. so now this becomes what the faa calls a mishap. that's triggered a mishap investigation with the faa. it will be led by spacex, but they now have to get the green light from the faa to attempt to fly starship for a third time. and we don't know how long that will take. but certainly a step in the right direction. the nasa administrator bill nelson con are grachlating spacex yesterday, calling it a big step forward, a sign of progress because nasa needs this starship spacecraft because they
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are using it to land american astronauts on surface of the moon for the first time in 50 years. it is a centerpiece of its flagship artemis program. victor and amara. >> christian fischer, thank you. ahead, indian authorities are now exploring new ways to rescue 40 construction workers who have been trapped underground over a week.
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police have ended a manhunt in memphis after finding a suspect dead from what appeared to be a self-inflicted guantanamo wound. police say found hi him inside his vehicle after three women and a 13-year-old killed in several shootings yesterday. police say they happened across local locations in the city and believe christian was related to some of those killed. officials have not identified any of the victims or their
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relation to suspect. rescue crews in the indian himalayas are trying a new approach to reach 40 construction workers trapped in a collapsed highway tunnel for a week now. the options include constructing escape tunnels and drilling vertically from the top of the mountain down to the workers. officials say the trapped men are safe, have light, they are receiving oxygen and food and water and medicine through a pipe. inflation may be slowing in the u.s. but it's still if felt at the supermarket as we approach thanksgiving. food banks are feeling the pinch. >> rafael romo is in atlanta where a charity feeding residents for decades is holding a drive-through turkey giveaway. >> reporter: 800 families participating in this effort. they received a box like these behind me. they also got a turkey and ham. these families had to pre-register for this event, but it was open to everybody. and the reality is that many of these families are families in
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need. many of them have lost their jobs, some are recovering from the pandemic, different situations that they are facing. they are trying to make sure that these families got what they describe as a modest thanksgiving feast. this is how they describe the effort they were putting together to benefit families in the area. >> the food is just the portal into the family. that's just the way we get them in the building. then they meet with our case managers and we find out, oh, domestic violence is in this family. there is death. there is medical needs. there is children that are absent from school, et cetera. >> making a big difference. we will have a happy thanksgiving and don't have to worry about where we are going to get the meal from. >> i was but now, i have opportunity do so, i'm so grateful. >> reporter: the good news for these families and families all across america is that inside fr food prices this year have
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indeed gone down a little bit. just to give you an idea, a 16-pound turkey is a little less than $30. a meal for a family of ten is about 60 -- that's about 5% less than last year. but the reality is, that many of these families, are still in need. and that's what they've been telling us all along. they were very eager to get this kind of help. and that's what hosea helps was trying to do. if the name of the organization sounds familiar, it is because it was founded by the late civil rights leader hosea williams, rafael romo, cnn in south atlanta. >> rafael, thank you. coming up, weather could be a problem if you're traveling for thanksgiving. your holiday forecast, next.
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all right. so travel this holiday season is set to be the busiest in several years. airports are bracing for record-setting number of travelers. >> more than 49 million people are set to hit the road between wednesday and sunday. next sunday, i should say. cnn's pete muntean takes a look at the numbers. >> reporter: here is the good news, a government shutdown was averted which means air traffic controllers and tsa officers will be working with pay, no impact on travel there. but the bad news is that the thanksgiving travel rush is going to be busy. tsa says the rush has actually already started. it began on friday. and they're expecting to screen about 30 million people through airports nationwide through the tuesday after thanksgiving. the tuesday before thanksgiving, the 21st, 2.6 manage expected at airports, wednesday before, 2.7 million people.
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the sunday after thanksgiving, 2.9 million people at airports nationwide. that would make it the biggest day ever for air travel. but aaa expects 55 million people will travel 50 miles oar more. that's a 2% increase over last year, making it the third biggest thanksgiving travel since 2000. but airline says there's a trend here, longer demand that is less concentrated. and aaa spokesperson asa diaz said long work schedules have changed everything. >> the reality is, many people are leaving on tuesday, on monday. also coming back maybe the monday after thanksgiving, because they know that sunday's going to be such a mess on the roads and at the airports. so people are being a little more flexible. >> reporter: even still, thanksgiving is really more of a driving holiday. aaa anticipates 49 million people making road trips, that's a 6% increase compared to last year. thanks to gas prices being down
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10% compared to last year. the worst day to drive, wednesday afternoon, that's when traffic in many spots aaa says could be 80% higher than the norm. pete muntean, cnn, washington. stormy weather on the east coast could cause delays for people traveling on the roads and skies. >> system moving from the west coast to the rockies. today, meteorologist allison chinchar is tracking all of it, hi, allison. >> yeah, a lot to talk about. let's start with right now, you've got showers and even thunderstorms developing along the central plains out to the west, you've got rain and snow moving into the mountain west. places like salt lake city and denver are going to start the rain and then see that transition over to a rain/know mix overnight. rain forecasted for monday, in chicago, springfield, st. louis. on the southern edge, we actually have the potential for severe thunderstorms tomorrow. we're talking damaging winds, tornadoes even hail, places like shreveport, down to new orleans,
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even south of memphis, as we go to tomorrow afternoon, and especially into the evening hours. it's all loss of the low-pressure system here spreading eastward as we go through the next few days. so by tuesday, fortunately, if you've got air travel, atlanta, washington, d.c., new york, chicago, all looking at rain in the forecast. then ago we progress into tuesday night, we start to see a lot of that begin to push closer towards the east coast. so boston, new york, stretching all the way down the coast likely going to have travel problems. so, for today, it's mainly the western cities. wind is going to be a factor for los angeles and las vegas as this system spreads farther east. by monday, now you're starting to add denver, chicago, st. louis, on to possible delays. once we get to tuesday, you're talking chicago, atlanta, washington, d.c., even up to new york. once we get to tuesday night, you see the bulk of that really spreading into portions of the northeast as well. >> allison chinchar thank you. so, santa came early this year for a minnesota woman.
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she received more than 100 boxes of eyeglasses from target by mistake. >> her name is kelly whitter, started slowly last year with a few pairs then snowballed into this. look at this. >> my goodness. >> she called the company -- >> okay. >> what's so funny? >> i don't know. the glass is on her. i don't know, she tried to return it, the company said it would cost more to do that. last week, more than 100 boxes were going to start. >> forget, i am just going to start, you get glasses, you get glasses, you get glasses like omehm oprah. >> target says they'll give her a 250ed gift card, that's great. but what made her really happy, the glasses were done natured to


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